No Waste Juicing

We’re planning on going on an organic juice fast in my home soon and today we did a test run.  My mother and I both had two large glasses of organic juice for breakfast made with celery, carrots, granny smith apples, cucumber, zucchini and squash.

Veggie and Fruit Juice

It was good and actually pretty satisfying, considering it was just juice!

Juicing Leftovers

Now if you’ve juiced before you know there’s a lot of leftover fiber from the fruits and veggies; it has always seemed a shame to me to throw it away even if its into the compost bin. This picture only shows a small portion of the leftover fruit and vegetable fiber after we made our juice.

After some brain storming, we decided that the best way for us to use the leftover fiber from the juicing was to make patties.  We sautéed finely chopped red onions and minced garlic in a cast iron skillet, and mixed them in with the juice leftovers.  We also added a can of black beans for extra protein and flavor and a bit of organic whole oats so they wouldn’t be too liquid. We also added salt and pepper to taste, very important!  Once everything was well blended together by hand, we formed patties and cooked them in the cast iron skillet on medium heat with a little bit of sesame seed oil so they wouldn’t stick.

Made from Juicing Leftovers
Veggie Patties

Once that was done, which was very quick actually, they cooked in about 5-10min, we added a little side salad. Mom likes arugula, mine was baby spinach,  spring greens, and chopped baby carrots for both of us. As a dressing, we used homemade yogurt that we had prepared previously with garlic, salt, pepper, cumin and lime.  It was a very nice meal, nothing got wasted and it was incredibly nutritious.

We had frozen berries with more homemade plain yogurt, sweetened with real maple syrup for dessert.  Throughout the day we’ve also consumed bananas, apples and water. We’re trying to make sure that if we do this kind of regimen for 10 days that we’ll feel relatively satisfied, particularly because I am currently nursing.  This will allow for us to go on a juice fast of sorts, enjoying the benefits such as losing weight, detoxing our bodies and so on without all the side effects.

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